Friday, November 28, 2008

English Language

English is the most widely spoken language worldwide. It originated in England and is spoken in England, Ireland, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and throughout the Caribbean (The Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica etc.) It is a first language to almost 400 million people worldwide.

English is also widely spoken in many African countries and also in India

The image(top right) shows the distribution of the English language worldwide. Dark blue being countries where English is spoken as a first language and light blue being where English is not a first language but is still widely spoken.

Languages Spoken Worldwide

The definition of a "World Language" is a language spoken internationally. World languages are usually used widely across continents. This can be due to historical empires and countries invading other countries in the past and introducing their language and custom into these invaded countries. For example: The Spanish language originated in Spain, but is the official language of many South American countries such as Mexico, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic,Honduras and Argentina. this is because of the Spanish Conquest of the Aztec Empire from 1486 untill 1502 and other Spanish conquests in the 15th Centuary. Spanish language eventually spresd throughout South America.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Language Facts

There are 6912 living languages spoken worldwide. the most commonly spoken and widespread being English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, French, Russian, Hindi and Arabic. Language has existed since 100,000 BC and the oldest Greek Chinese
written languages still in existance are Chinese and Greek.

Friday, November 21, 2008


Hi, this is my blog on the geography of languages. I'm going to go through the languages spoken by different nations and countries and why. Also, how war and greatly influenced changes in native languages. Hope you enjoy,
